회원가입 로그인
136,000원 (Update 2013.08.)
제조사/브렌드 캐스케이드디자인      제조국/원산지 미국
취사도구 > 코펠
The Alpinist 2 Cook System offers the superior strength and light weight of hard anodized aluminum with the added capacity you need for melting snow and boiling water fast. A full-featured cook and eat system for two, it comes complete with our insulated stainless steel mugs and DeepDish™ plates, making it ideal for alpine ascents or long-distance journeys. Includes: (1) 2.4L Hard anodized aluminum pot, (1) Strainer lid, (2) DeepDish™ plates, (1) Talon™ pot handle, and (2) insulated stainless s
관련 인기 상품
무게 11.4 oz / 323 g 지름 8 in / 20.32 cm 높이 2 in / 5.08 cm 제조국 Made in Thailand Strong, reliable stainless steel fry pan stands up to heavy use and extreme conditions. Nests over Alpine 3L Pot and handle folds up for compact packing. Weight 11.4 oz / 323 g Diameter 8 in / 20.32 cm Height 2 in / 5.08 cm Country of Origin Made in Thailand
This compact, 7-inch skillet nests efficiently with Quick 2, Base 2 and Alpinist 2 cookware, adding versatility to your average minimalist kitchen without adding too much weight to your pack. Includes: 7-inch Nonstick, hard-anodized aluminum skillet, Talon™ pot handle. Made in Thailand Total weight 5.9 oz / 166 g Packed Size 7.75 x 2.5 in / 19.7 x 6.35 cm MSR Flex4 System / Flex4システムレポ : CampLogs | キャンプ ...">
▶ 리액터사용설명서 다운로드
상품명 실리콘핫패드 모델명 KJ8PR0201 제조사 코베아 생산지
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