회원가입 로그인
4,770,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 포인트65˚N      제조국/원산지 스웨덴
캠핑놀이 > 카약/보트/물놀이 > 카약/보트
관련 인기 상품
The new RapidUp Sail from Advanced Elements is a compact, portable and easy to setup down-wind sail that rapidly deploys and quickly stores flat on the deck of your kayak. The sail shape is specially designed to conform to your Advanced Elements kayak deck, and uses a built-in frame that gives the Rapidup the ability to "spring" up for immediate use. The sail is made from high quality, durable rip-stop sail cloth, and has adjustable attachments, quick connecting lanyards, d-rings and a carabine
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